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Battle Goddess Verita - banner

General info
Walkthrough (攻略)
Misc/Unorganized Notes

Active Skills[]

Passive Skills[]

# Skill name (JP) Skill name (En) Effect Note
001 連携Ⅰ- Ⅴ Follow Up I - V If character possess this skill attacks directly after a friendly character, it's damage increases by 10% - 30%, depending on skill level. Bonus Damage is culmulative
002 貫通Ⅰ- Ⅴ Pierce I - V Target's Defense and Defense Multiplier is reduced by 50%.
003 決死Ⅰ- Ⅴ Brink of Death I - V Attack and Defense increases as HP becomes lower. The lower the HP the better the effect.
004 即死Ⅰ- Ⅴ Death I - V Instant Death to target. Does not work against BOSS monster
005 破術Ⅰ- Ⅴ Disenchant I - V Activate on a successful HIT. Buffs on target(if any) is decreased by one level.
006 武器落としⅠ- Ⅴ Drop Weapon I - V Activate on a successful HIT. Target's action is cancelled.
007 天使殺しⅠ- Ⅴ Angel Slayer I - V When attacking HOLY(神聖) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
008 悪魔殺しⅠ- Ⅴ Evil Slayer I - V When attacking DARK(暗黒) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
009 英雄殺しⅠ- Ⅴ Hero Slayer I - V When attacking GOD(神格) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
010 魔神殺しⅠ- Ⅴ Demon Slayer I - V When attacking DEMON(魔神) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
011 霊体破壊Ⅰ- Ⅴ Spirit Destroyer I - V When attacking SPIRIT(霊体) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
012 不死破壊Ⅰ- Ⅴ Undead Destroyer I - V When attacking UNDEAD(不死) atribute monster, increases attack significantly.
013 反万破壊Ⅰ- Ⅴ Anti-Omni Destroyer I - V When attacking ANTI-OMNI(反万能) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
014 創造破壊Ⅰ- Ⅴ Artifact Destroyer I - V When attacking ARTIFICIAL(創造物) attribute monster, increases attack significantly.
015 反射Ⅰ- Ⅴ Reflect I - V When being attacked, chance to reflect damage back to the attacker.
016 カウンターⅠ- Ⅴ Counter I - V Attack or skills on the target will miss. Target launches a counter attack afterward.

No passive skills will activate during counter attack

Can Dodge magic

017 見切りⅠ- Ⅴ Detect I - V Attack or skills on the target will miss. Can Dodge magic
018 神秘の防護 Mysterious Protection When being attacked, chance to cut damage recieved by everyone in your party by half.
019 復活Ⅰ- Ⅴ Resurrect I - V When HP reaches 0, chance to self-resurrect with 10% - 75% of full HP/FS, depending on skill level.
020 甘い蜜Ⅰ- Ⅴ Sweet Honey I - V When being attacked, chance to recover Celica(セリカ), Naberius(ナベリウス) and/or Rita(リタ) HP. Tetori(テトリ) only
021 先手Ⅰ- Ⅴ Quick Attack I - V Able to choose action immediately at the start of battle. i.e. Start battle with 0/0 frame
022 戦闘指揮Ⅰ- Ⅴ Direct Battle I - V Chance to activate at the start of battle. Entire party recieves 先手Ⅰ, 回避1 - 3 and 命中1 - 3, depending on skill level.
023 豹変 Cougar Transform Chance to activate at the start of battle. Nullifies 臆病 and recieves 高揚1. Tetori(テトリ) only
024 俊足転移Ⅰ- Ⅴ Quick Feet I - V Chance to activate at the start of battle. Target recieves 肉速5 and 精速5.
026 HP再生Ⅰ- Ⅴ HP Recovery I - V Recover HP by 1 - 5 every frame or step, depending on skill level.
027 MP再生Ⅰ- Ⅴ MP Recovery I - V Recover MP by 1 - 5 every frame or step, depending on skill level. Very valuable skill
028 TP再生Ⅰ - Ⅴ TP Recovery I - V Recover TP by 1 - 5 every frame or step, depending on skill level. Very valuable skill
029 努力家Ⅰ- Ⅴ Hard Worker I - V Gain 1 exp every step. x1.2 - x2 battle exp, depending on skill level.
030 賢者の魔力Ⅰ- Ⅴ Mage's Wisdom I - V Reduce MP usage by 10% - 50%, depending on skill level.
031 達人の技力Ⅰ- Ⅴ Warrior's Skill I - V Reduce TP usage by 10% - 50%, depending on skill level.
034 地の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Earth Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes EARTH(地脈+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
035 水の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Water Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes ICE(冷却+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
036 火の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Fire Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes FIRE(火炎+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
037 風の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Wind Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes WIND(電撃+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
038 神聖の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Holy Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes HOLY(神聖+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
039 暗黒の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Dark Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes DARK(暗黒+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
040 魔神の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Demon Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes DEMON(魔神+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
041 神格の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ God Protector I -V Armor attribute becomes GOD(神格+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
042 霊体の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Spirit Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes SPIRIT(霊体+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
043 不死の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Undead Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes UNDEAD(不死+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
044 反万の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ ??? Protector I- V Armor attribute becomes ???(反万+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
045 創造の守護者Ⅰ- Ⅴ Artifact Protector I - V Armor attribute becomes ARTIFICIAL(創造+1 - 5), depending on skill level.
046 急所狙いⅠ- Ⅴ Attack Weakness I - V Increase the chance of Clean Hit(クリーンヒット).
047 手加減 Mercy Monster will always survive with 1 HP if attacked by character who possess this skill.
048 飛行能力 Flying User flies in battle. Some attack or skill damage changes. Some Earth skills are ineffective against flying units
049 挑発 Provoke Character who possesses this skill is more likely to be targeted.
050 隠密 Hiding Character who possesses this skill is less likely to be targeted.
051 臆病
053 選ばれし者 Chosen One When using the skill 聖炎剣, accuracy decreases but critical rate increases.
056 オーバーキル Overkill When you defeat a monster with too much damage(overkill), the extra damage is dealt to the next available target.
057 オーバーキル無効 Nullify Overkill When being attacked, nullifies the attacker's オーバーキル skill.
058 殺し無効 Nullify Slayers Nullifies skill 007 - 014.
059 必殺無効 Nullify Killer Shot Nullifies damage from Killer Shot.
060 魔術無効 Nullify Magic Nullifies damage from Magic.
061 貫通無効 Nullify Pierce Nullifies the passive skill 貫通.
062 反射無効 Nullify Reflect Nullifies the passive skill 反射.
063 即死無効 Nullify Death Nullifies the 即死 effect.
064 喪意無効 Nullify Depression Nullifies the 喪意 effect.
065 石化無効 Nullify Petrification Nullifies the 石化 effect.
066 吸収無効 Nullify Absorb Nullifies the HP吸収, MP吸収 and TP吸収 effect.
067 魅了無効 Nullify Charm Nullifies the 魅了 effect.
068 混乱無効 Nullify Confuse Nullifies the 混乱 effect.
069 沈黙無効 Nullify Silence Nullifies the 沈黙 effect.
070 麻痺無効 Nullify Paralyze Nullifies the 麻痺 effect.
071 猛毒無効 Nullify Poison Nullifies the 猛毒 effect.
072 猛暑無効 Nullify Heat Nullifies the 猛暑 effect.
073 束縛無効 Nullify Bound Nullifies the 束縛 effect.
074 水流無効 Nullify Water? Nullifies the 水流 effect.
075 強酸無効 Nullify Acid Nullifies the 強酸 effect.
076 恐怖無効 Nullify Terror Nullifies the 恐怖 effect.
077 全無効 Nullify All Nullifies ALL negative effects.
078 セリカが嫌い/好き Dislike/Like Celica

If Celica(セリカ) is in the party, character who possesses this skill will have the following effect:

セリカが嫌い: Attack and Defense - 5%

セリカが好き: Attack and Defense + 5%

セリカが大好き: Attack and Defense +10%

082 リウイが嫌い/好き Dislike/Like Louie

If Louie(リウイ) is in the party, character who possesses this skill will have the following effect:

リウイが嫌い: Attack and Defense - 5%

リウイが好き: Attack and Defense + 5%

リウイが大好き: Attack and Defense + 10%

083 ラピスが嫌い/好き Dislike/Like Lapis

If Lapis(ラピス) is in the party, character who possesses this skill will have the following effect:

ラピスが嫌い: Attack and Defense - 5%

ラピスが好き: Attack and Defense + 5%

ラピスが大好き: Attack and Defense + 10%

084 リンが嫌い/好き Dislike/Like Rin

If Rin(リン) is inthe party, character who possesses this skill will have the following effect:

リンが嫌い: Attack and Defense - 5%

リンが好き: Attack and Defense + 5%

リンが大好き: Attack and Defense + 10%

087 主従の絆

Bound of

Master and Follower

If the Master is present in battle, the follower has their Attack and Defense increased by 10%.
088 捕縛Ⅰ- Ⅴ Capture I - V Specific female monster(s) LVⅠ- Ⅴ can be captured. A red box appears if capturing is available.
089 呼び寄せⅠ- Ⅴ Shouting I - V Increases monster encounter rate in map.
090 魔剣解放 Release Magic Sword Able to equip Hishera's equipment.
091 魔法剣 Magic Sword Able to use the Killer Shot (魔法剣). Celica(セリカ)/Louie(リウイ) only.
092 砲撃要請 Request Bombardment In battle Louie can request bombardment from Shera's unit. This action is under Louie's Killer Shot 演武. Only once per battle.
093 魔導鎧 Magic Armor Able to equip Magic Armor(魔導鎧) and uses it's effect in battle.
096 宝探し支援Ⅰ- Ⅲ Treasure Hunt I - III Better chance to obtain items after each battle.
097 ねこぱんちⅠ- Ⅲ Neko Punch I - III Randomly attacks enemy over a period of time, *Target the front row instead of being "random"*
098 応援Ⅰ- Ⅲ Assist I - III FS is increased by 1 - 3 every 10 frames, depending on skill level.
099 奇襲Ⅰ- Ⅲ Surprise Attack Chance of First Strike happening in battle increases.
100 精気吸収Ⅰ- Ⅲ Absorb Energy Attacks every enemy over a period of time and restores the party HP.
101 水弾支援Ⅰ- Ⅲ Water Atk. Assist I - III Attacks every enemy with ICE attribute damage over a period of time.
102 祈りⅠ- Ⅲ Prayer I - III HP is increased by 2% - 6% every 10 frames, depending on skill level.
103 自動回復Ⅰ- Ⅲ Self-Recovery I-III Over a period of time, heal a character that is under 50% HP.
104 水障壁 Wall of Water If you choose to Defend in battle, gain the effect 全無効.
105 魔術結界Ⅰ- Ⅲ Magic Barrier I - III If the character who possess this skill is a support character, Increases the party's Magic Defense.
106 光霞Ⅰ- Ⅲ Light Rays I - III Attacks every enemy with HOLY attribute damage over a period of time.
107 きるでぃあねⅠ- Ⅲ ??? Attacks a single enemy with キル・ディアーネ?? over a period of time. Diane(ディアーネ) only, and only if she is a support character
108 戦意攻撃Ⅰ- Ⅲ Attack FS I - III Attacks every enemy's FS over a period of time.
109 撹乱攻撃Ⅰ- Ⅲ Confusion Attack I - III Attacks every enemy and causes status effect over a period of time. Despite the skill name, when Maou-sama uses this it actually causes Terror(恐怖) and Bound(束縛) effect.
110 忍結界 Ninja's Barrier Everyone in the party gain 反射無効 effect.
111 咆哮Ⅰ- Ⅲ Roar I - III Chance to activate at the start of battle. All enemies start with + 5 to their frame. If start frame is 4/4, it becomes 9/9, etc.
112 麻痺爪&触手Ⅰ- Ⅲ Tentacle Attack I - III Attacks a single enemy and causes Paralyze over a period of time.