Eushully Wiki
Arterial of Origins - banner

General Info
Battle Cards
Item Cards
Abilities and Skills
Finish Arts
Scene Screen

Card Abilities[]


Number Name (JP) Name (English) Ability Effect
0001 戦果 Battle Results When attacking, if the enemy FLW retreats draw 1 card
0002 防御 Safeguard Combat damage received is reduced by 1
0003 鉄壁 Iron Wall Combat damage received is reduced by 2
0004 手加減 Temperance When attacking, always leaves the target with at least 1 HP / LP
0005 無尽蔵 Limitless Your DECK can contain any number of these in it
0006 二回移動 Double Move Gain《Swift》at the start of the turn
0007 転移移動 Translocation When moving, this card can move to any open allied square
0008 霊族耐性 Spirit Resistance Attacks from non-『ANG』deal half damage rounded down to this
0009 超再生 Super Regen At the start of your turn, recovers 10 damage and all negative effects are removed
0010 単発効果 Single Shot Effect After attacking, retreats regardless of results and other effects, a card behind this one can't attack this turn
0011 拡散攻撃 Scatter Attack When attacking, damages all available attack targets from its position
0012 後衛迎撃 Rear Defender Can attack from the REARGUARD
0013 遠距離攻撃 Artillery When attacking, if no enemy VANGUARD is in front of this it can make an attack on the REARGUARD in front of it
0014 スナイパーアイ Sniper Eye Damage dealt by attacks from this can't be blocked, reduced, or negated
0015 スロースタート Slow Start Can't attack the summoned turn
0016 妹たちの代役 Substitute Sister Also counts as「Mirai」or「Shaneorka」for ability references
0017 お嬢様限定人 Lady's Keeper Retreats if there is no allied「Sayane」on the field
0018 千里眼 Clairvoyance When attacked, if the enemy's AP is odd the damage is negated
0019 防護の結界 Protective Barrier When attacked, if your leader has more than 10 LP, deal 10 damage to it and negate damage to this
0020 血の憑依 Blood Possession When attacking or attacked, inflict《Blood Control》on the enemy
0021 猛毒の接触 Venom Touch When attacking or attacked, inflict《Poison》on the enemy FLW
0022 アシッドタッチ Acid Touch When attacking or attacked, inflict《Acid》on the enemy
0023 無機吸収 Absorb Inorganic Retreat an『INO』of Cost equal or less than this and gain its AP, limit 1 time
0024 悪魔の上下関係 Devil's Heirarchy Can overwrite a square where a『DEV』is present
0025 ヴァラーブル Valuable Can't be blocked or attacked by Cost 0 enemies
0026 ロートグランツェ Rotgranze While LP is 25 or less, gain AP + 3
0027 ラングランツェ Langranze While LP is 30 or less, gain AP + 5
0028 オルタグランツェ Ortagranze While LP is 30 or less, adjacent cards gain AP + 3
0029 短時間常駐 Temporary Resident Retreats at the start of the 3rd turn after summoned
0030 長時間常駐 Prolonged Resident Retreats at the start of the 5th turn after summoned
0031 フィールド配置物 Field Object All allied cards can move on top of this
0032 不屈の精神 Indomitable Spirit Can't take damage or receive effects from abilities. Conditional abilities still apply.
0033 レヴェリィ Reverie When summoned, activates and gains《Evasion》, this can only be summoned by certain actions
0034 ヘタレ Slacker Can only attack once per battle
0035 物作り知識 Crafting Knowledge When「Wilfred」and「Leguna」are in play, retreat all enemy『INO』, and they cannot summon『INO』
0036 闇の者の連携 Dark Alliance When「Yuela」and「Ragsmuena」are in play, retreat all enemy『DEV』, and they cannot summon『DEV』
0037 二連ユイチリ弓術 Yuichiri Archery Can only target REARGUARD when attacking
0038 いたずら好き Mischievous When「Crayl」and「Crayanne」are in play, inflict《Poison》on all enemy FLW
0039 選ばれし者 The Chosen One AP becomes 0 when you have 3 or less cards in your HAND
0040 ポイズンタッチ Poison Touch When attacking or attacked, inflict《Poison》on the enemy
0041 対衝撃の霞 Anti-Shock Haze Combat damage received is reduced by half, rounded down
0042 休息治癒 Calming Heal Restores 3 HP at the start of each turn
0043 防護結界 Protective Ward Combat damage received is reduced by 3


These abilities take effect when the card moves.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 一撃への助走 Charging Blow Gain AP + 1 until end of turn
0002 血の脈動 Blood Pulse Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0003 フルメタルアーム Full Metal Arm Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0004 加速襲撃 Rapid Attack Gain AP + 2 for each time this card moved until end of turn
0005 荒ぶる戦意 Savagery 【To VANGUARD】Gain AP + 3 until end of turn
0006 指揮官援護 Commander Support 【To VANGUARD】Allied leader gains AP + 3 until end of turn
0007 電光石火 Flash 【To VANGUARD】Deal 1 damage to the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0008 光輝の神槍 Spear of Splendor 【To VANGUARD】Deal 1 damage to enemy VANGUARD FLW
0009 地獄絞め Hell Choke 【To VANGUARD】If the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this has Cost 2 or less, retreat it
0010 トルショ・クリル Torsho Krill 【To VANGUARD】Deal damage to the enemy VANGUARD in front of this equal to half of AP
0011 淫魔の抱擁 Succubus' Embrace 【To VANGUARD】Inflict《Hallucination》on the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0012 隊員招集 Rally the Troops 【To REARGUARD from VANGUARD】Add an「MSC」card from your DECK to your HAND
0013 先駆け Pioneer 【To VANGUARD】Deal 2 damage to the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this


These abilities take effect when the card is brought into play.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 先手必勝 Head Start Gain AP + 1 until end of turn
0002 戦士の付術 Art of War 【Exclude last 4 discarded cards】Gain AP + 4
0003 混沌の秘策 Secret of Chaos 【Exclude last 4 discarded『DEV』cards】Gain《Attack 4》
0004 ハイリスク戦術 High Risk Tactics 【Grants enemy REARGUARD FLW AP + 3】Grants allied VANGUARD FLW AP + 2
0005 血の制裁 Blood Sanction All enemy FLW inflicted with《Blood Control》have their HP reduced by half, rounded up
0006 突光剣 Luminous Sword 【From HAND】Activate this to deal 2 damage to enemy VANGUARD FLW
0007 奇襲攻撃 Surprise Attack 【In VANGUARD】Deal 1 damage to the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0008 ビーアドウーシュ Bead Ooze Deal damage to all enemies equal to half of AP and inflict《Acid》on them
0009 怪物探索 Monster Search 【Discard a copy of this】Add the next『CRE』from your DECK to your HAND
0010 観察能力 Observation 【The last card discarded is『INO』】Return the top discard card to the top of the DECK
0011 組み替え戦術 Reassembly Tactics 【Discard the oldest card from your HAND】Add 1 card from your DECK to your HAND
0012 黒の闇界 World of Midnight Discard the top card of all DECKS
0013 回生の儀 Rite of Rebirth Return all discarded『ANG』cards to the DECK
0014 エクスチェンジ Exchange 【Return the last discarded card to your HAND】Discard the top card of your DECK
0015 俊足展開 Rapid Deployment Add 2「Kaito with《Instant Evasion》」from your DECK to your HAND, draw 1 card for each Kaito you can't add
0016 ペルティナ Platinum All enemies have Cost - 1
0017 アブソリュート Absolute Inflict《Seal》on all enemy FLW
0018 ブイヨワール Bouilloir Inflict《Hallucination》on all enemy FLW
0019 聖なる加護 Holy Blessing 【Discard the oldest card from your HAND】Next turn, this can't be attacked or block
0020 写し身 Doppelganger This has the same Cost, Control, HP, and AP as the oldest FLW on the FIELD
0021 聖なる癒し Sacred Healing Restores 4 LP to allied leader
0022 クイックタイム Quick Time Preserve your present FIELD state and return to the movement phase
0023 舞い降りた幸運 Fortune Fills Finish Gauge to 100%
0024 ラクスハイシェラ Lux Haishera Gains AP equal to the number of allies x2
0025 死角の投槍 Dead Zone Javelin Retreat the enemy REARGUARD in front of this
0026 ハドラの円舞曲 Hadora's Waltz Grant《Evasion》to all allies
0027 断命の大鎌 Death Scythe Retreat the enemy VANGUARD in front of this
0028 高速旋風脚 Hyper Whirlwind Deal damage equal to AP to the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0029 イルザの束縛術 Ilsa's Bondage Inflict enemy REARGUARD FLW with《Bind》
0030 闇の息吹 Breath of Darkness Restores 8 LP to allied leader
0031 先制砲撃 Preemptive Bombing Deal 1 damage to all enemies
0032 電磁誘導 Induction Return all discarded『INO』to the DECK
0033 暗闇の雲 Cloud of Darkness Return all discarded『DEV』to the DECK
0034 サービス Service Inflict《Charm》on all enemy FLW
0035 姫様降臨 Princess Descent Return the last discarded card to the top of the DECK
0036 身妖舞 Youkai Dance Deal 2 damage to the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0037 再生の風 Healing Winds Grant《Regeneration》to all ally FLW
0038 気合注入 Spirited Infusion Gain AP + 2 until end of turn


These abilities are triggered by right-clicking the card during the action phase.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 癒しの息吹 Healing Breath 【Discard 1 from your HAND, Activate】Restore LP equal to double the Cost of the discarded card
0002 癒しの鮮血 Blood Healing 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Recovers 5 HP to allies with Cost equal to or lower than the discarded card
0003 上位癒しの鮮血 High Blood Healing 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Recovers 8 HP to allies with Cost equal to or lower than the discarded card
0004 奇跡の鮮血 Blood Miracle 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Recovers all HP to allies with Cost equal to or lower than the discarded card
0005 夢幻の鮮血 Blood Dream 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Recovers all HP to allies with Cost lower than discarded card and gain《Attack 1》
0006 指揮官への献身 Commander Devotion 【Allied VANGUARD FLW Control - 1】Restore 1 LP to allied leader
0007 浄化の光 Purifying Light 【Summoned Turn】Remove all negative effects from 1 ally
0008 清純な煌き Pure Glitter 【Activate】Remove negative effects on『HUM』and『ANG』
0009 血の支配 Blood Rule 【Summoned Turn】Inflict《Blood Control》on 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0010 血の上位支配 High Blood Rule 【Summoned Turn】Inflict《Blood Control》on all enemy VANGUARD FLW
0011 サンファントム Sun Phantom 【Summoned Turn】Inflict《Hallucination》on 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0012 腐食の呪術 Corrosion Magic 【Summoned Turn】Inflict《Acid》on 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0013 光の束縛術 Light Binding 【Summoned Turn】Inflict《Bind》on 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0014 シャルムの封印 Seal of Sharm 【Summoned Turn】Inflict《Seal》on 1 enemy FLW with Cost 3 or less
0015 暴虐の布陣 Tyranic Formation 【Summoned Turn】Grant 1 ally FLW AP + 1, HP - 1
0016 精気の接吻術 Kiss of Life 【Summoned Turn】1 enemy FLW has AP - 1 and HP - 1, gain AP + 1 and HP + 1
0017 幽艶の接吻術 Bewitching Kiss 【Summoned Turn】1 enemy FLW has AP - 1 and HP - 1 and inflict《Charm》, gain AP + 1 and HP + 1
0018 魂の接吻術 Soul Kiss 【Summoned Turn】1 enemy FLW has AP - 2 and HP - 2 and inflict《Hallucination》, gain AP + 2 and HP + 2
0019 悪魔の悪巧み Devil's Deception 【Summoned Turn, Exclude the last 2 discarded『DEV』cards】Gain《Attack 2》
0020 格下への指図 Order of Demotion 【Summoned Turn, 1 ally『DEV』FLW with Cost 2 or less has HP - 3】Gain《Attack 2》
0021 挑発鼓舞 Provoking Behavior 【Summoned Turn】Grant 1 enemy REARGUARD FLW AP + 2, gain AP + 1
0022 精気吸収 Spirit Absorption 【Summoned Turn】1 enemy FLW has HP - 1, gain HP + 1
0023 変幻模写 Replicate 【Summoned Turn】Choose 1 allied『CRE』FLW, it now has the same Cost, Control, HP and AP as this
0024 変幻転写 Transfiguration 【Summoned Turn】Choose 1 ally and copy the abilities to this
0025 チャージ Charge 【Activate】Gain《Attack 2》
0026 勇者の付術 Hero's Tech 【Discard 1 from your HAND, Activate】Grant 1 ally AP + 2 until end of turn
0027 覚醒の付術 Art of Awakening 【Exclude the last 4 discarded cards】Gain HP + 1 and AP + 1 until end of turn
0028 サンクチュアリ Sanctuary 【Activate】Grant 1 allied『HUM』or『ANG』AP + 1 until end of turn
0029 投石物補充 Sling Ammo 【Retreat adjacent「Sling」】Gain AP equal to the retreated card's AP until end of turn
0030 進化する力 Evolving Power 【Control - 1】Gain AP + 3
0031 猛者の付術 Fighter's Tech 【Control - 1】Grants AP + 3 to the ally FLW in front of this
0032 ビーストテイマー Beast Tamer 【Control - 1】Grant AP + 3 to 1 allied『CRE』FLW
0033 退避戦術 Evacuation Tactics 【Gain《Exclusion》, Activate】Grant 1 ally FLW AP + 1
0034 フィアシャルフ Fearscharf 【Activate all allies】Gains AP equal to the total of all allies' AP until end of turn
0035 カリスマ支配 Charismatic Rule 【Exclude the last 3 discarded cards】Gains Control + 1 for 3 turns, can't be used on summoned turn
0036 先陣を切る Lead the Way 【Move to VANGUARD】Deal 1 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW


Fast Break 【Summoned Turn】Deal damage equal to AP to 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0038 狂気の槍 Spear of Madness 【Summoned Turn】Discard the top card of your DECK, deal 1 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0039 速攻迎撃 Rapid Intercept 【Summoned Turn, Activate】Deal 1 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD
0040 瞬腕連打 Instant Pummel 【AP - 1】Deal 1 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0041 剛腕連打 Pummel 【Reduces this cards AP by 3, Activate】Deal 3 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW
0042 ダークマター Dark Matter 【Activate】Deal 4 damage to the enemy VANGUARD in front of this
0043 槌の光霞 Light Haze Hammer 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Deal 1 damage to the enemy REARGUARD
0044 光燐衝撃 Optical Impact 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Deal 1 damage to the enemy VANGUARD
0045 氷垢螺の氷柱雨 Icicle Rain 【Activate】Deal 2 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD FLW, inflict《Seal》on this until the end of your next turn
0046 勇猛な突貫攻撃 Daring Rush Attack 【Retreat this】Deal 2 damage to 1 enemy REARGUARD FLW
0047 不遇の開放 Wide Open 【Activate】Deals damage to enemy leader equal to the number of their Excluded cards x2, limit once per battle
0048 永久の鎮魂歌 Eternal Requiem 【Discard 2 from your HAND, Activate】Deal damage to each enemy FLW to bring them to half of their HP
0049 ポイズンブレス Poison Breath 【In VANGUARD, Activate】Deals damage equal to half of AP to enemy VANGUARD FLW and inflicts《Poison》
0050 闇界獄滅炎 Darkside Inferno 【Exclude the last 3 discarded『DEV』cards】Deal 2 damage to 1 enemy FLW
0051 瞬散撃 Blitzkrieg 【Control - 1】Deal 5 damage to the enemy leader
0052 狙い撃ち Sharpshooter 【AP - 1, Activate】Deal 1 damage to the enemy leader
0053 オルクラット Orclat 【Summoned Turn】1 ally or enemy FLW has Cost - 2
0054 大いなる聖門 Great Sacred Gate 【Summoned Turn, Retreat 1 ally】Summon next『ANG』with Cost 3 or less from your DECK to retreated ally square
0055 光輝の儀式 Ritual of Light 【Empty REARGUARD with 3 adjacent『ANG』】Discard 1 from your HAND, summon last Cost 3『ANG』in your DECK
0056 迎撃の策略 Intercept Tactics 【Empty VANGUARD with 3 adjacent『ANG』】Summon「Nolfaza with《Sword of Light》」from your DECK
0057 上位悪魔の途 Arch Devil's Path 【If all ally FLW are『DEV』, retreat this card】Summon a『DEV』with a lower Cost from your HAND
0058 野生の探索力 Wild Search Power 【While there is more than 1 card in the DECK, Control - 1】Draw 1 card then discard 1 card
0059 グラビティゾーン Gravity Zone 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Gain《Give Back》
0060 魔術再生 Magic Regeneration 【Gain《Exclusion》】Return a discarded card of the same name to your HAND, limit once per turn
0061 後退指示 Fallback Directive 【After Move】Return 1 allied Cost 1『ANG』to your HAND
0062 消費魔力回復 Consume Magic 【HP - 1, Activate】Return the last discarded card with《Magic Regeneration》to your HAND
0063 瞬間再生術 Instant Recovery 【Exclude last 4 discarded『DEV』cards, Discard 1 from your HAND】Return this and a discarded copy to your HAND
0064 プレアルテル Prealter 【Retreat this】Put the last discarded「Toujirou」card with Cost 3 or less in this square
0065 デスファ・フュメ Desfa Fume 【Each player has 10 or more discarded cards, AP - 3】Swap DECKS and each player discards their HAND
0066 消化液 Digestive Fluid 【Retreat this】Deal 4 damage to the allied leader
0067 ノックバック Knockback 【Summoned Turn】Swap positions of an enemy VANGUARD FLW and REARGUARD FLW with the same Cost
0068 指揮官転送 Commander Transfer 【Summoned Turn】Swap positions of the allied leader and this
0069 心繋がり Heart Connection 【Summoned Turn, Retreat 1 ally「Shaneorka」】Summon the next Cost 5『CRE』in DECK to retreated square
0070 天使の階段 Angel's Stairway 【Summoned Turn】Move 1 adjacent『ANG』forward or back to an empty square, if it is able
0071 バトンタッチ Baton Pass 【After Moving】Replace this with a Cost 1 card from your HAND, can't be summoned a turn it was replaced
0072 防護の光盾 Brilliant Defender 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Reduces the damage taken from the next attack by 3
0073 真心交換 Sincerity Exchange 【Gain《Exclusion》if your DECK has more than 1 card】Put 1 card from your HAND to the bottom of DECK, draw a card
0074 フィアルセの束縛 Fearless Binding 【Summoned Turn】Activate 1 enemy FLW, it remains activated through the opponent's next turn
0075 ブロッサ・ラヴェ Brossa Rave 【Exclude the last 2 discarded cards】Prevent 1 enemy FLW from acting next turn
0076 煌めく暗黒 Gleaming Darkness 【If you have 3 or more cards in your HAND, discard your HAND】Block enemy FLW attacks during their next turn
0077 瞬間回避 Instant Evasion 【Discard 1 from your HAND】Gain《Evasion》
0078 暗黒障壁 Dark Barrier 【Exclude the last 4 discarded『DEV』cards】Grant《Sure-hit》to all allies
0079 シュヴァゼッツ Schwazets 【Discard 2 from your HAND】Gain《Double Attack》until end of turn, can't attack enemy leader this turn
0080 再生術 Regeneration 【Exclude 2 discarded of these】Gain《Return》
0081 アイシクルガード Icicle Guard 【In REARGUARD, discard a card with Cost equal to ally in front of this】Grant《Evasion》to ally in front of this
0082 ネアシュテール Neashterre 【Ally REARGUARD FLW Control - 1, Activate】Deal damage equal to AP to the enemy VANGUARD
0083 永遠の戦友 Eternal Comrades 【Retreat this and discard the same card from your HAND】Summon「Godslayer Celica」to this square
0084 枢孔紅燐剣 Phosphorus Blade 【Discard all cards】Deal damage to all enemies equal to the total AP of the discarded cards
0085 強化呪付・改 Enchantment・Kai 【Activate】Grant 1 ally《Attack 3》
0086 超絶強化呪付 Super Enchantment 【Discard 1 card from your HAND, Activate】Grant 1 ally HP - 5 and AP + 5
0087 クレアンヌ型応援 Crayanne Support 【Discard 1 card from your HAND】Grant 1 ally with Cost 3 or more《Sure-hit》and AP + 1
0088 強制帰還 Forced Return 【LP - 5】Target ally or enemy FLW is returned to its owner's HAND, limit once per turn
0089 邪神招聘 Evil God's Invite 【LP - 25% of max】Deal damage to target enemy equal to 25% of their LP or HP
0090 ケルト=ルーン Celtic=Rune 【Discard 1 card from your HAND, Activate】Deal 2 damage to all enemies
0091 帝国の軍配 Imperial Command 【Discard 2 cards from your HAND】Deal damage equal to AP to all enemies
0092 白露乱舞 White Dew Dance 【Discard 1 card from your HAND】Deal 4 damage to all enemies
0093 凍結の渦波 Freezing Vortex 【Summoned Turn】Inflicts《Bind》on enemy VANGUARD FLW
0094 魔導砲撃 Magic Bombardment 【Control - 1】Deal 8 damage to the enemy leader
0095 粒子弾 Particle Bullet 【Activate】Deal 3 damage to the enemy VANGUARD in front of this
0096 ズバーンと参上 Sonic Arrival 【Retreat this】Summon『ChuChu Mirai』from your HAND
0097 承認!! Approved!! 【Activate】Grant《Attack 4》to all cards in play
0098 勇者アタック Hero Attack 【Discard 2 cards from your HAND】Gain《Double Attack》
0099 気孔術 Spiritual Art 【Discard 1 card from your HAND】Restore 5 HP to an ally
0100 クロの防護結界 Kuro's Warding 【Discard 1 card from your HAND】Reduces the damage taken from the next attack by 4
0101 裁きの神槍 Spear of Judgment 【Activate】Deal 4 damage to the enemy REARGUARD in front of this
0102 水弾吸収 Absorb Water 【Retreat adjacent「Water Bullet」】Gain AP equal to the AP of the retreated card until end of turn
0103 変幻転移 Metastasis Replace with a Cost 4 card from your HAND, this cannot be summoned the same turn it is returned to your HAND
0104 サンダーブレス Thunder Breath 【Move to VANGUARD】Deal damage equal to half of AP and inflict《Acid》on all enemy FLW
0105 癒しの神風 Blessed Breeze 【Discard 2 cards from your HAND】Fully heal all ally FLW
0106 刃浄撃 Blade Purification 【Summoned turn, Activate】Deal 2 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD
0107 急所射撃 Rapid Fire 【Summoned turn】Discard the top card or your DECK, deal 2 damage to 1 enemy VANGUARD


These abilities take effect when using the card to attack.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 貫通 Penetrate 【Retreat target】Excess damage is dealt to the card behind the attacked enemy
0002 串刺し Skewer 【Retreat target】Excess damage is dealt to the enemy leader
0003 二段突き Double Strike 【Target VANGUARD】Deal 1 damage to the FLW behind the target
0004 弧月上弦 Waxing Crescent 【Target Leader】Deal 2 damage to the adjacent VANGUARD
0005 弧月下弦 Waning Crescent Deal 3 damage to the enemy VANGUARD FLW
0006 クラインベルゼ Kleinbelze Deal 1 damage to cards adjacent to the attacked target
0007 グランベルゼ Grand Belze Deal 2 damage to cards adjacent to the attacked target
0008 バールの誘発 Raising the Bar 【Retreat target, Front Attack】Deal 1 damage to FLW adjacent to the attacked target
0009 活力吸収 Life Steal Heals this card based on half the damage it deals
0010 血の連鎖攻撃 Bloody Chain 【Target FLW has《Blood Control》】Deal damage equal to the amount dealt to the target, to the adjacent VANGUARD
0011 弧月一刀 Crescent Blade 【Hit leader】Instead of a normal attack, deal damage equal to 25% of the leader's current LP rounded up
0012 百花繚乱 Blooming Flowers 【Target FLW】Deals damage equal to half the amount dealt to the target, to the enemy leader
0013 百花戦塵 Blossomed Flowers 【Target leader】Instead of normal damage, deal damage equal to 40% of the leader's LP rounded up
0014 ヘビーブレイク Heavy Break 【Target Cost 3 or less】Retreat the target
0015 アオスシュメルツ Aoschmerz 【Target『INO』, Target Cost equal to or less than this card】Retreat the target
0016 リクリュージョン Reclusion 【Target Cost 4 or less】Retreat the target
0017 強制両成敗 Forced Defeat 【Target does not retreat】Both this card and the attacked target retreat
0018 猪突猛進 Headlong Rush 【Side Attack】Has AP - 1 until end of turn
0019 アレパラシオン Apparition 【Side Attack】Has AP - 3 until end of turn
0020 鳥娘の歌声 Harpy's Song 【Side Attack】Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0021 レギオンブレイク Legion Break 【Target Leader】Gain AP + 3 until end of turn
0022 他種族嫌悪 Xenophobia 【Target is different type】Gain AP + 3 until end of turn
0023 フルスナイパー Full Sniper 【Not Moved】Gain AP + 3 until end of turn
0024 闇の闘士 Dark Warrior 【Target Cost 3 or more】Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0025 みなぎる覇気 Overflowing Vigor 【Target Cost 4 or more】Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0026 無限の闘士 Infinite Warrior 【Target Cost 5 or more】Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0027 グロースピラ Glow Spear 【Target Leader】Gain AP equal to the number of cards the enemy has discarded until end of turn
0028 コールブレイク Core Break 【Target『INO』】Gain AP + 1 until end of turn
0029 フェヴレッション Feveration 【Target Cost less than this card】Gain AP equal to the difference in Cost x2 until end of turn
0030 付与者への猛攻 Grantor Assault 【Target has abnormal status】Gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0031 ショックパウダー Shock Powder AP becomes Cost x3 until end of turn
0032 連鎖粉砕 Chain Smash 【Retreat Target】This can attack again, can only trigger once per turn
0033 全てを呑込む All Consuming Heals this card based on the damage it deals, Exclude cards retreated by this
0034 恐怖の接触 Touch of Fear Attacked target has AP - 2 until end of the attack
0035 リミテッドゾーン Limited Zone 【Retreat target】Enemies can't「Move」or be「Summoned」to that square
0036 怪物暗示能力 Monster Suggestion 【Retreat『CRE』】Deal damage to the enemy leader equal to the retreating card's AP
0037 狂気乱舞 Maddening Dance Discard the top card of the DECK
0038 徹底的に押収 Seize All Discard the top 3 cards of the opponent's DECK
0039 異空間切断 Dimensional Cut Exclude the top card of the opponent's discard pile
0040 強酸の暗礁弾 Corrosive Shot 【Target FLW】Inflict《Acid》on the target
0041 戒めの枷 Punishing Shackles After attack, inflict《Bind》on the attacked FLW
0042 氷結の拘束流 Frozen Prison Activate adjacent FLW to the attacked target until the end of the opponent's turn
0043 充填時間 Cooldown After attack, AP becomes 0 until the end of your next turn
0044 成長 Growth 【Target retreats】Retreat this, replace with a「Mature Hoshinohime」from your DECK or HAND
0045 覚醒 Awakening 【Target leader, Deal 10 damage】Retreat this, replace with an「Awakened Hoshinohime」from your DECK or HAND
0046 地龍猛襲脚 Earth Dragon Rage 【Target『HUM』or『CRE』】Retreat the card
0047 飛燕剣連舞 Flying Sword Dance 【Adjacent to a card with《Swallowing Sword Dance》】Gain AP + 10 until end of turn
0048 レイ=ルーン Lei=Rune Deals the same damage to the enemy REARGUARD behind the target
0049 ティルワンの死磔 Tilwan's Crux 【Target『ANG』】Deals x2 damage
0050 神速鳳凰剣舞 Phoenix Dance 【Enemy Retreats】Gain《Evasion》
0051 ブレイクフィスト Break Fist 【Target『INO』】Retreat the card
0052 ティルワンの闇界 Tilwan's Domain 【Target『ANG』】Retreat the card
0053 フェヒテンイング Fechtening 【Target Leader】Gain AP + 6 until end of turn
0054 連接剣双伸張 Twin Blades Deal 4 damage to the enemy VANGUARD
0055 神極聖光剣 Divine Light Sword 【Target『DEV』】Deals x2 damage
0056 弧月三段 Arc Moon 3rd Form 【VANGUARD】Deal 3 damage to the enemy REARGUARD FLW behind the attacked card
0057 シュロムベルゼ Schlomberge Deal 3 damage to the enemies adjacent to the attacked target
0058 速魔弾ルオナ Magic Bullet Luona 【Target『ANG』or『DEV』】Retreat the card
0059 淫魔の接吻 Succubus Kiss Heals this card based on the damage it deals
0060 ウォータブレイド Water Blade 【Leader】Instead of normal damage, deal damage equal to 10% of the target's LP


These abilities take effect when the card is removed from play.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 簡易治療 Simplet Treatment 【By moving leader】Restore 10 LP to allied leader
0002 簡易回復 Simple Recovery 【By moving leader】Restore 4 LP to allied leader
0003 精気譲渡 Spirit Transfer 【By moving leader「Shuuya」】Restore 15 LP to allied leader
0004 増援 Reinforcements 【By enemy attack】Draw a card
0005 戦略的帰還 Strategic Retreat 【Exclude the last 3 discarded『DEV』cards】Put this back in the DECK
0006 身代わり命令 Substitution Order 【Discard the top card of your DECK】Put this back in the DECK
0007 ルヴニエル Leveniel 【By enemy attack】Summon「Sayane with《Platinum》」to this square from the DECK
0008 ラルムフィーユ L'Arme feuille All enemies have Cost - 1
0009 最後の一手 Final Move Retreat the enemy that attacked this, no ally may「Move」or be「Summoned」to this square next turn
0010 硫酸液 Corrosion The enemy attacking this has AP - 2 until the end of next turn
0011 変身解除 Revert 【By enemy attack】Summon a「Red Putetetto」from your HAND to this square
0012 再生起動 Activate Recovery Grant the ally or enemy that retreats this《Regeneration》
0013 攻撃起動 Activate Attack Grant the ally or enemy that retreats this《Attack 1》
0014 強攻撃起動 Activate Force Grant the ally or enemy that retreats this《Attack 3》
0015 必中起動 Activate Accuracy Grant the ally or enemy that retreats this《Sure-hit》
0016 回避起動 Activate Evasion Grant the ally or enemy that retreats this《Evasion》
0017 再登場 Reappear 【By enemy attack】Return to original square, can only trigger once per battle
0018 合体解除 Disassemble 【By enemy attack】Summon「Tiene」from the DECK to this square
0019 うそ泣き Cry of Lies All enemy FLW have AP - 1


These abilities take effect when the card is in the front row.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 同志への激励 Encourage Friends Grants allied「Mirai」and「Shaneorka」AP + 1
0002 絶対防御の構え Absolute Defense When an enemy is summoned, gain HP + 1 and AP - 1
0003 背水の布陣 Last Stand Grants other allied VANGUARD『DEV』FLW AP + 2 and HP - 1
0004 人的強化 Human Enhancement When a『HUM』is behind this, gain AP + 1
0005 お嬢様の守護者 Lady's Guardian When「Sayane」is behind this, gain AP + 2
0006 上位者の余裕 Superiority When there are no other enemies or allies with Cost 4 or more, gain AP + 1
0007 荒れ狂う鼓動 Raging Heartbeat Gain AP + 1 each time an enemy attacks this
0008 開放されし能力 Unleashed Ability Gain AP + 14
0009 消沈の呪縛 Curse of Sorrow The enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this has AP - 3
0010 トラキアの消沈 Thrace's Downfall The enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this has AP - 5
0011 恐怖の植え付け Instill Fear The enemy『HUM』VANGUARD in front of this has AP - 2
0012 鉄壁の身代わり Martyrdom Reduces damage taken by 2 when blocking
0013 クロスカウンター Cross Counter If not retreated by an enemy attack, deal damage to attacker equal to half the damage taken rounded up
0014 光の拘束結界 Light Prison Inflict《Bind》on the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0015 フェールの幻覚術 Failure's Illusion Inflict《Hallucination》on the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this
0016 血の干渉 Blood Interference Inflict《Blood Control》on the enemy VANGUARD
0017 誘惑の微笑み Alluring Smile The enemy VANGUARD in front of this can't move
0018 無言の圧力 Silent Pressure Enemy VANGUARD FLW with Cost 2 or less in front of this can't attack
0019 怪物察知能力 Monster Perception When an enemy『CRE』attacks, this will join as a blocker, regardless of placement
0020 機敏な回避術 Agile Evasion This negates damage from enemy front attacks
0021 毒霧の散布 Poison Spray Reduces the HP of the enemy VANGUARD in front of this by an amount equal to HP
0022 漆黒の霞 Jet-Black Haze This can't be attack by the leader
0023 城壁展開 Rampart While this is in play, enemies may attack only it
0024 神速回避 God Speed Evasion When this is attacked, discard the oldest card in your HAND, if it is「Kaito」the damage is negated
0025 危険予知 Foresight When an enemy is summoned, move this back to the REARGUARD if able
0026 光霞 Light Haze During opponent's turn, if a FLW is moved or summoned to the VANGUARD square in front of this, deal 1 damage to it
0027 贖罪の光霞 Atonement Haze During opponent's turn, if a FLW is moved or summoned to the VANGUARD square in front of this, deal 3 damage to it
0028 魔王軍の誇り Demon King's Pride When「Maou-Sama」is in play, gain Cost + 2, Control + 1, HP + 5, and AP + 5
0029 贖罪の聖炎 Redeming Flame During the enemy's next turn, deal 4 damage to any FLW summoned or moved to the VANGUARD in front of this
0030 連槍カウンター Spear Counter If this survives an attack it deal 2 damage to the attacker


These abilities take effect when the card is in the back row.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 圧力的な応援 Aggressive Support If「Shuuya」or「Kaito」are in front of this, grant them AP + 1
0002 精一杯の応援 Encouraging Cheer If 「Mirai」or「Arisa」are in front of this, grant them HP + 1
0003 信頼の絆 Bond of Trust If「Mirai」or「Arisa」are in front of this, grant them AP + 1
0004 天使の護り手 Angelic Guardian If the allied VANGUARD in front of this is『ANG』, grant it HP + 1
0005 無機制御能力 Inorganic Control If the allied VANGUARD in front of this is『INO』and『CRE』, grant it HP + 1 and AP + 1
0006 隊員援護 Troop Support Grant allied「MSC」FLW in the VANGUARD AP + 1
0007 高みの見物 Spectate When there is an ally in the VANGUARD in front of this, grant AP + 2 to adjacent allies
0008 魔改造 Demonic Reform If the allied VANGUARD in front of this is『INO』grant it AP + 5 and HP - 3
0009 追い風 Tailwind When the allied VANGUARD in front of this makes a Front Attack, grant it AP + 1
0010 王女の指揮 Princess' Command At the start of the turn, grant《Swift》to allies with Cost 3 or less
0011 レヴェリシオン Revelation At the start of the turn, grant《Double Attack》to allied VANGUARD FLW with Cost 2 or less in front of this
0012 拡散する氷結波 Spreading Ice Wave At the end of the turn, the enemy VANGUARD in front of this is activated until your next turn
0013 疾風迅雷 Lightning Quick If the VANGUARD square in front of this is empty at the end of a turn, move it to that square
0014 長距離射撃 Snipe If the allied VANGUARD square in front of this is empty, this may attack as if it was in the VANGUARD
0015 フロントガード Front Guard If the allied VANGUARD in front of this is attacked, this may block for it
0016 大いなる癒し Greater Healing At turn start, all allies recover from all damage and negative effects, and restores 1 LP to the allied leader
0017 大暴虐の布陣 Tyrants' Formation At the start of you turn, give《Attack 4》to the ally in front of this
0018 華やかな応援 Brilliant Cheer If the ally in front of this is『HUM』grant it AP + 1

All Areas[]

These abilities take effect regardless of the row in which the card is deployed.

Number Name (JP) Name (English) Effect
0001 仕組まれた毒舌 Clever Ploy Grants allied「Shaneorka」and「Arisa」AP + 1
0002 同志の守護者 Comrade Guardian If there is an allied「Mirai」or「Shaneorka」, gain AP + 1 and HP + 1
0003 負けず嫌い Unyielding If a leader「Shuuya」is adjacent to this, gain AP + 1
0004 氷結の魔法剣 Frost Blade If an allied「Akari」is in play, gain AP + 2
0005 神聖の魔法剣 Sacred Blade If an allied「Shaneorka」is in play, gain AP + 2
0006 暗黒の魔法剣 Dark Blade If an allied「Atori」is in play, gain AP + 2
0007 煉獄の魔法剣 Purgatory Blade If an allied「Mirai」is in play, gain AP + 2
0008 水弾制御能力 Power Water Bullet If an allied「Water Bullet」is adjacent to this, it gains AP + 1
0009 火弾制御能力 Power Fire Bullet If an allied「Fire Bullet」is adjacent to this, it gains AP + 1
0010 石弾制御能力 Power Stone Bullet If an allied「Stone Bullet」is adjacent to this, it gains AP + 1
0011 退魔の領域 Anti-Demon Field Grant allied『HUM』and『ANG』AP + 1
0012 天使の連帯意識 Angelic Solidarity Gain AP and HP equal to the number of other allied『ANG』in play
0013 闇界の攻撃布陣 Dark World Assault All allied『DEV』with Cost 2 or less gain AP + 2 and HP + 2
0014 悪魔の結束力 Devil's Unity Gain AP and HP equal to the number of other allied『DEV』in play
0015 英雄の結託 Hero's Intrigue Gain AP equal to the number of『HERO』in play
0016 サヴァンオルド Savant Ordo Adjacent allied『HUM』gain AP + 2
0017 暗黒の鼓舞術 Dark Inspiration Allied『DEV』gain AP + 1
0018 流星の光槍 Meteor Light Spear When an ally moves, gain AP + 1 until end of turn
0019 ブリンクシフト Blink Shift During an allied turn, if an ally retreats grant the allied leader AP + 2 until end of turn
0020 同調の姿勢 Attuning Attitude When an ally is summoned, gain AP + 1 until end of turn, limit once per turn
0021 逆進の超越 Inverted Progress If discarded cards count is 3 or less cards, gain AP and HP + 2
0022 力への代償 The Price of Power When Control of this is less than normal, gain AP equal to the difference in normal and current Control
0023 混沌の支配 Reign of Chaos During an allied turn, if any card becomes Excluded, gain AP + 2 until end of turn
0024 孤高勇士 Lonely Hero When the Control Supply Value of this square is 1 or less, gain AP + 3
0025 上位シンクロ Super Synchro Gain AP equal to the number of ally FLW with Cost 3 x2
0026 下位シンクロ Inferior Synchro Gain AP equal to the number of ally FLW with Cost 1 x2
0027 協調性の増強 Enhanced Harmony When the Control Supply Value of this square is 4 or more, set its Control to 2
0028 甘い誘惑 Sweet Temptation When at least 3 allies have《Sweet Temptation》, leader「Shuuya」gains AP equal to the number of those allies
0029 逆襲の一手 Counterattack When an ally「Gillezel」is attacked, gain AP + 1
0030 オルトリクス Ortrix All other cards in play have their area abilities disabled
0031 スピテリクス Spiterix All cards in play can't attack
0032 グランテリトリー Grand Territory This negates all damage from sources of 7 or less
0033 闇の小夜曲 Darkness Lullaby All enemies can only Front Attack
0034 暗黒魔術の熟練者 Dark Arts Master 「Dark Bullets」summoned adjacent to this ignore Cost,「Dark Bullets」retreated by《Single Shot》return to your HAND
0035 天使の光陣 Angelic Formation At the start of the turn grant allied『ANG』with Cost 4 or less《Swift》
0036 操血のシンクロ Blood Control Sync Inflict《Blood Control》on enemies that attack leader「Shuuya」
0037 ミスティベルシュ Misty Bersh 「Narumi」cards with a《Blade》skill will gain their effect without the required card in play
0038 フォルスルトゥニ Forsultuni All enemies have Cost - 1
0039 どさくさ紛れ Confusion When the enemy VANGUARD FLW in front of this uses an「Action」ability, deal 1 damage to it
0040 ユルティスゾーン Yultis Zone Deal 2 damage to the enemy leader when an enemy FLW moves
0041 神々の聖域 Sanctum Reduce the AP of all cards except『DEM』and『HERO』by 8
0042 絢爛の風 Dazzling Winds Adjacent ally FLW have Cost + 1
0043 貧乳 Small Breasts Grants allied「Senzaki」HP + 2 and AP + 2
0044 虚乳 Empty Breasts Non-「Heroine」『HUM』have AP - 3
0045 豊乳 Large Breasts Grants『CRE』HP + 2 and AP + 2
0046 並乳 Normal Breasts Grants non『INO』AP + 1
0047 巨乳 Huge Breasts Grants「Kaito」AP + 2 when in the VANGUARD
0048 爆乳 Enormous Breasts Grants allied『HUM』AP + 3
0049 美乳 Lovely Breasts Non「Heroine」are inflicted with《Charm》,「Heroine」are inflicted with《Seal》
0050 控乳 Modest Breasts Grants『DEV』HP + 3
0051 天使乳 Angel Breasts Grants allied『ANG』and enemy『DEV』AP + 2
0052 主従援護 Master Support Grants「Celica」HP + 3 and AP + 3
0053 仲良し援護 Friendly Support When「Naberius」and「Rita」are adjacent to this it gains AP equal to their total AP
0054 魔神への対抗心 Demonic Rivalry Increases AP by an amount equal to the number of other『DEM』in play
0055 姫狩りメンバーズ Himegari Member When there are 3 or more《Himegari Member》in play, all allies gain Control + 1
0056 天使の結界 Angel Barrier Allied『ANG』gain AP + 1
0057 将軍の指揮 General's Command Allied『HUM』and『DEV』gain AP + 1
0058 戦意の祝福 Blessing of War All allied cards gain AP + 1
0059 血縁の絆 Bond of Blood If there is an ally「Louie」,「Karian」, or「Sylphia」, gain HP + 2 and AP + 2
0060 ビーストマスター Beastmaster Allied『CRE』gain AP + 1
0061 オペラシオーネ Operation Enemy cards have Cost - 2
0062 フォルスレグロ False Regrow Allied cards have Cost + 1
0063 結束の力 Power of Unity Gain AP equal to the number of other allies in play
0064 弟への支援 Brother's Support Your「Magical Swordman Celica」gains AP + 1
0065 アルテミスの祝福 Artemis' Blessing All allies gain AP + 2
0066 彗星の光槍 Comet's Spear Gain AP + 2 when an ally moves until end of turn
0067 天使の聖歌 Angel's Chant All non-『ANG』have AP - 2

Character Skills[]


Skill # Skill name Character
1 Flight (飛行) Shaneorka, Mehisha, Rufadiel, Ragutas, Gillezel, Shefira, Ritrana, Hagenti
2 Teleportation
Ganoel, Ernst
3 Freeze
4 Light Barrier
5 Instant Movement
6 Weight Alteration
7 Dream Devil Queen
8 High-speed Flight
9 Underground Search
10 High Altitude Flight
116 Master of the Search